PHOTOS: Reptar’s 10 Year Anniversary Show @ Terminal West – ATL – 12/23/18


Ten years ago, Reptar played their first ever show, becoming an influential band in the college town of Athens, Georgia that already had such a storied music history. On the anniversary of that first show, Reptar celebrated in their other hometown with a packed out show at Terminal West in Atlanta. In what was their first shows in a year, the band played the Caledonia Lounge in Athens the night before.

PHOTOS: Reptar's 10 Year Anniversary Show @ Terminal West - ATL - 12/23/18

With hundreds of shows nationwide over the years, two albums and an EP, the last album being 2015’s Lurid Glow (Joyful Noise Recordings), Reptar built a loving fanbase far and wide as the young band became known for their legendary live shows. As the band continued to evolve over the years, the members playing in the band grew also, leaving Reptar’s footprint in Georgia’s music scene today a vast one. Current and former members of Reptar are involved in and have side projects such as Neighbor Lady, Semicircle, Thick Paint, Curt Castle, Bit Brigade, Breathers, and more.

PHOTOS: Reptar's 10 Year Anniversary Show @ Terminal West - ATL - 12/23/18

So of course Atlanta and Athens came out to celebrate at Terminal West, with more than a few attending both nights. Reptar rip roared through a career spanning set that even included a new song. So even though the band announced prior to the show that this was the last show for a little while, Reptar seemingly isn’t done. And if it was the last we hear of the band for a minute, it was a hell of way to go. I’m not sure Atlanta has danced like that in a quite a while, maybe since the last time Reptar played TWest in 2016.

PHOTOS: Material Girls at Reptar's 10 Year Anniversary Show @ Terminal West - ATL - 12/23/18

Opening the Atlanta show was one of the city’s current best live bands, the mysterious Material Girls. The band has become known for their dark, glam punk featuring an energetic live show where the band rotates instruments and lead singers amongst each member throughout their sets. Material Girls’ live set is always intoxicating, encouraging the audience to let go as the band does on stage, which was a perfect way to engage and prepare the Terminal West audience for Reptar’s commemorative set. It was a hell of a night.

Check out photos from Reptar and Material Girls at Terminal West by Mike Gerry:

Material Girls


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Head music fiend at OpenEars Music

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