Yung Makes Messy Stylish on “Uncombed Hair”


Yung, the Danish band formed by Mikkel Holm Silkjær, does a great job of giving off a cool yet effortless vibe. But music – ostensibly and ideally, though not necessarily in practice – is a meritocracy. There has to be actual substance behind the output. Winging it and not really giving a shit tends to result in a less than great product, but being able to project that image with actual effort behind your craft is the stuff rock stars are made of. There’s a difference between intentionally messy and unintentionally dishevelled.

The new track “Uncombed Hair” fits in nicely to that overall aesthetic, from the way it was conceived and recorded, to the actual music. Silkjær told NPR that he wrote and recorded the song in less than 24 hours, but you won’t hear any of that quick turnaround time in the track itself; the instruments are all layered and arranged impeccably – an intricate guitar melody picks up speed until it suddenly bursts at the seams. Themes of loss and grief permeate the track and form an interesting dichotomy between the hurried production and deep emotions contained within. How we outwardly present ourselves doesn’t always reflect how we feel inwardly, and on “Uncombed Hair” Yung project a messy look but are full of substance.

“Uncombed Hair” is off Yung’s debut album, A Youthful Dream, which comes out June 10 on Fat Possum Records.

More Info on Yung:




Live dates

May 20th – Aarhus, DK Pop Revo Festiva
June 14th – London, Shacklewell Arms
July 1st – Toulon, FR, Rockorama Festival
July 16th – Haarlem, NL, Kliko Fest
July 17th – Leeuwarden, NL, Welcome To The Village Festival

Photo: Jeppe Berg


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